Photo essay of telescope I built in December 2001

“Greetings, greetings, fellow star gazers!” – Jack Horkheimer

After being shown that there were visible satellites in the dusk and dawn skies, including the ISS (International Space Station) I pulled out my trusty old binoculars and discovered that I could also just barely see what appeared to be the moons of Jupiter. That started a period of intense research into the world of astronomy.

My 6 dob ready for viewing the sky

My 6" dob ready for viewing the sky

This is a photo of the almost-finished telescope I built. I used a concrete form tube for the telescope barrel and OSB (plywood) for the base.  The observatory director of the Von Braun Astronomical Society loaned me an old 6″ mirror and a focuser and I built the rest from, you guessed it, plans on the internet.

So to say goodbye, again, as Jack would; “Keep looking up!”

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